Monday, 30 March 2015

New sofa!

My humans have bought me a new sofa, I have decided to take the armchair as its close to the TV and just about the right size!

Now I just need to stop them leaving their stuff lying around on my chair! It's very inconsiderate. Maybe I should call 'CatLine'.....

Boyz in da hood!

Does this look as good as I think it does?

Comments below please :-)

Monday, 2 March 2015

This is what happens when you stuff yourself full of fish!

Today's dinner was awesome! It was so awesome I haven't moved much since stuffing my face this afternoon.

Have bag, will travel!

Think I have something here, am going to call it 'cat in a bag'. 

The idea is you can have a cat delivered to you wherever you are in a handy bag. It's genius.....